Asian Art Collection


South India

Karnataka (formerly known as the state of Mysore), South India
Hoysala Dynasty, 12th century CE
chloritic schist

63 x 26 1/2 x 11 1/4 inches

Vishnu, "the preserver" or "the protector," is one of three primary Hindu gods, along with Brahma, "the creator," and Shiva, "the destroyer." When the world is in jeopardy Vishnu comes to the physical universe as an avatar to set things right. These avatars have many forms and names.  Here Vishnu appears in his fully manifest divine form. In this form he has blue skin and carries a club or mace, conch shell, and chakra or wheel.  As seen here, Vishnu is typically represented wearing a tall crown or headpiece.

Text by Robert DeCaroli, Director of the MA Program in Art History and Professor at George Mason University.


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