Conversations at The Kreeger Museum

Conversations on April 7th is now sold out. To be placed on the waitlist, please email

The Conversations program makes such a difference in Mom's life. She loves art and music, so the opportunity to spend time enjoying the beautiful Kreeger Museum, seeing and discussing a striking work of art and then listening to a fabulous music program is such a treat. It lifts her spirits and brings her such joy and makes her feel like her old self.

– Daughter of participant

Conversations, a program for individuals with mild to moderate memory disorders and their caregivers, provides a forum for dialogue and connection through art and music. Each hour-long program includes an interactive gallery talk and a musical component. The experience is designed to stimulate reflection, reduce stress, and increase communication and sociability.

The Kreeger Museum will host three sessions in the Spring: February 10th, April 7th , and June 2nd at 11:00 am. We have limited spaces and advance registration is required. Spaces for February 10th can be reserved above. The other dates will be released after the February session. Please only reserve one space and you will be prompted to fill out the name of both the participant and the caregiver.

If you are an assisted living facility and would like to book a Conversations program for a group of residences please contact to schedule a session.

The February 10th program will discuss a Bamana artist’s Headdress (Chi Wara).

Bamana artist, Headdress (Chi Wara)

The April 7th program will discuss Joan Miró, Two Personages.

Joan Miró, Two Personages, 1935

The June 2nd program will discuss Pierre Bonnard, Landscape in the South of France. 

Pierre Bonnard, Landscape in the South of France, 1921

We are grateful to the following for their generous support:

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