The Collaborative | INTERLUDE
February 11, 2023 - March 25, 2023

Left: Matthew Mann, Moonlight Sinew, 2022, oil, acrylic, and collage on canvas
Right: David Urban, Band of Hope, 1996
The Kreeger Museum and STABLE are pleased to present INTERLUDE, an exhibition featuring fifteen artists of the STABLE studios - Nancy Daly, Leigh Davis, Rex Delafkaran, Tim Doud, Adrienne Gaither, Aziza Gibson-Hunter, K. Lorraine Graham, Jean Kim, Leah Lewis, Matthew Mann, Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann, Gail Shaw-Clemons, Molly Springfield, Andy Yoder, and Ying Zhu - on view at The Kreeger Museum February 11 through March 25, 2023. These artists meet through their approaches and applications to mirror, respond to, and complement each other. This interlude is the moment in-between collective past and future and the present moment of the artist's practice. Working across mediums, the artists present new work and previously created work to be in conversation with the museum's permanent collection. This exhibition is presented under The Collaborative, a program developed by The Kreeger Museum in 2021 to support Washington-area artists.
Presented in collaboration with STABLE.
Curated by Maleke Glee.